Spring Mini-Sessions!

I walked outside this morning and it was just another dreary winter day.  But when I went out again around 5:00 – so suddenly, spring was here.
Sun-warming, wind-blowing, daffodils-waving spring!  I don’t know if it will last even until tomorrow, but it felt amazing.

So it seems an appropriate time to announce spring mini sessions!
To read all the details and sign-up, go to “About” in the menu and choose “Spring Mini-Sessions”.    Everything you need is right there!

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Fall Mini-Sessions, Day 3 – Roswell – Part 2

Continuing from the last post, here’s a look at the rest of the mini-sessions in Roswell from late October!

First up we have a family that I met at these minis a year ago, back with a bigger boy.  He was such a teddy bear!  And so happy – all laughs and rosy cheeks.  So happy they came back to see me again!  Next we get to the afternoon with a gorgeous family of 6.  They are good friends of a good friend of mine, but I hadn’t seen them since the second one was born.  Check out these adorable, adorable faces.  Third in the line-up here is a family that I was lucky enough to see several times throughout the year  – and I just saw them again for newborn pictures of a baby sister!  Their little guy was so interested in playing – even the pebbles were a play-world to him.  It’s always neat to see little ones fascinated with the world around them.  I closed out the day with some dear friends. We got started late, so we went a little later – and beyond into the sunset, which is why I have so many of them.  But what else can you do when you have both a 2-year-old AND a dog that are natural models??  They were such a treat to end my day with!

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Fall Mini-Sessions, Day 3 – Roswell – Part 1

I went to Roswell for the first time for mini-sessions this fall, and it worked out so well!   Roswell, I will have to be back.

I had 8 families on this day, so I’m dividing up the post into 2 parts.  Here’s just some of the photos from a fall morning in Roswell:

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Fall Mini-Sessions – Day 2

There was high demand in Smyrna this year, so I ended up with 2 days in the same spot.  🙂

First up – I would like to thank these cuties, AGAIN, for being the ones to brave the early morning cold!  And they missed a soccer game, too!  These two boys are so smart and funny – and I’m glad I had some extra blankets for them to snuggle with.  🙂

There are twin boys in my 2nd family of the day; I went to high school with their parents, but I first met the boys during fall mini-sessions last year.  They were my last session of the evening then, and once they warmed up, I got to see them interact and laugh together in front of a warm setting sun.  This year they were all ready to go, and gave me their most handsomest looks!

Third for the day is the fabulous L family!  I’ve known these guys since the beginning – they’re always wonderfully sweet!    I feel so lucky to see these kids and their parents each year – I just can’t believe how much bigger the little ones keep getting.

Next we have two brothers – and my first time getting them in front of my camera.  I love sibling shots, and I really love the big kid little kid dynamic.  These two were all boy, sweet younger brother make look little, but he was just as tough as his big brother.

And last, we’re skipping to the evening. Because we had a little mix up with the time…  But I was able to meet this family a little later on.  Dad wasn’t able to join us (I think to his relief – I’ll get him next time) and brother unfortunately had a full bladder when he arrived…. so, you’ll see that.  Add in 1 hungry baby, and mom had her hands full.
We were near a playground, so after they graced me with a few sitting shots and smiles, I followed them to the playground and let them play around.  Love their sweet natural smiles!


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Fall Mini Sessions – Day 1

In 2014 I had my greatest number of mini-sessions yet – 4 days with 27 families!!

Every fall, my number of requests is so much greater than any other time of year, and these mini-sessions give me the opportunity to fit in more of my clients than I would be able to otherwise.  They also fit the needs of those who are “just looking for one good picture for the holiday card.”  😉
And for that reason, I don’t post many of these before the holidays, so… now that we’re in rainy January, let’s take a look back!

I met with 5 beautiful families on this first mini-session day.  This was in October in a small park in Smyrna.  I’ve been going to this park for… 4 years now?  Because I see many of the families that live in the neighborhood.  Overtime, some of them have chosen to come on different days, while meanwhile some others have joined in the fun.   Here’s a little overview of that day:

First up – M- family!  I think this is the 3rd year in the row I’ve seen them.. hard to believe this little girl is only 3!  (She had SO much hair even 2 years ago!)  And she’s just so calm and mature and the SWEETEST thing ever.  She laughed at all of my jokes – like, laughed hard!  We genuinely had a lot of fun with their little 25 minute session.  Great way to start the day.

Next up is the H-family.  They were brand new to the neighborhood, so welcome to them!  They had an 18-month old who ran and ran and ran the entire time – as 18-month-olds do.  🙂   She was bright and curious and funny – so glad to meet her and catch a bit of her personality at this stage in life.

The 3rd group is the D-family, and the ones I’ve known the longest!  I know Mom from a ladies’ group from years ago (I miss that group so!) and she was the one who introduced me to the neighborhood, for which I am forever grateful. K, you’re the best.  Since I’ve known her, she’s gotten married and had 2 gorgeous children.  Thank you D-family for coming out to see me!  Love seeing how much you grow each year!

My 4th group, the A family, was new to me this year.  And my goodness, I could not imagine 3 sweeter, more polite, more handsome boys.  They were fantastic.  So glad they found me and I hope to see them again – enjoyed this entire sweet family so much!

And ending the day, the day, the S family.  It’s always really special for me to see these guys because I first photographed them (when I was really just starting out) when they were expecting their first child. Since then I’ve done newborn photos for both children, as well as a few birthday parties, and annual fall photos.  Again, amazing to see them each year, how the change, and how they stay the same.  Big sister is growing so much from a spitfire toddler into a mature big girl, and little brother – cute as can be.  He tried to take off for the creek every time we turned around, but we managed to to grab him for a shot or two.  😉

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