Mini-Sessions, Spring and Autumn!

The time has come for me to plan fall mini-sessions!  I’m working on that, trying to square everything away on my calendar, but dates for fall mini’s will be coming soon.  All this thinking about mini-sessions has reminded me that I only previewed my spring mini’s on Facebook, so I’m going to remedy that!

This was my first year doing spring mini-sessions, and I think I may have to make it a tradition.  I love the lightness, the bright colors, and the bare feet that we don’t always get in the fall!  These were also extra special because they were all for charity, and I am grateful to each family who came out and participated!

Here’s a little look at one of them.  These girls were so full of spirit and smiles!

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My poor own family gets the least amount of attention in the photo department!  I’m always planning to come back to their photos when I am “less busy”.  Often that never happens.  I came across these from February and decided to get them on the blog – both the good and the goofs, too!   There are a few here that made me smile now that I wouldn’t have looked at twice the first time around – these 3 have already grown much in the past 6 months.  (As you will see if I ever post their photos from April and May. 🙂 )

My mom got her grandchildren these Valentines-themed clothes, so one day when they were visiting we dressed them up and took a few pictures around the house.  The fence my sister, brother and I also had our pictures taken on when we were growing up, down at the cul-de-sac, in the front yard, in the back yard, and then on the trampoline.  Where little sister was sure to pull up her jeans and show big sister her boo-boo she would get should big sister try to jump with her.

Oh, and these start out first thing that morning, with the not-yet-3-year-old doing her favorite thing – going for a walk.  She LOVES to be outside.  So we put her shoes on with her pj’s and went out to greet the day.


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Round 3 for baby D

It’s one of my favorite things again – seeing little babies grow over their first year!

You can see little newborn baby D here and then see him a little more wide-eyed and alert at 4-5 months here.

Due to some colds going around, we didn’t get his next session until 10 months.  So I went from a little rolly polly to a crawling, pulling-up, almost walking 10 month old.  But we get to do some fun things as they get older!  Like get down and play with the chickens, and even practice driving a car.  And my favorite, eating a slice of watermelon.  People, I have never seen a person devour watermelon like this little 1-t00thed fruit-monster.  It was amazing.  I want more watermelon in my baby photos!

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J is 4! And there are lizards.

Happy, happy birthday to this handsome 4-year-old!

He had a birthday full of reptiles!  Loved seeing the kids’ reactions to these animals – whether it was wondering curiousity, enthusiastic interest, giggles, shyness, or all out fear.  🙂

Hope it was a great day, J!

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How does it look like this outside, when I am still not over Spring?


I started out using this site as a place to post previews while I was editing photos – the first photos I would edit would be posted here as a sneak peak.  But lately, I’ve felt so like I’m always so busy, that I started focusing on finishing my editing first, and then posting here afterwards.  And even more recently, I haven’t even posted what I’ve finished!

So, it was time to update the blog and so I’m sharing this little peak into some family time last weekend.  My nieces and baby nephew were dropped off with my parents for a day of babysitting, and I got some swim time with the girls.  This girl was scared of the water last year – she didn’t even want to touch the puddles around the pool.  But this year is all about jumping from the steps – over and over and over again.  And she’s suddenly starting to look more girl than toddler.

I still have more spring to share!  Birthday parties (including ones for both of these girls!) and my first spring minis included.  I’m doing a little better at staying up to date on Facebook, so check out my page over there.
I’m looking forward to some slow summer days when I can catch up (and hoping that they don’t turn out to be as elusive as the start of my June has been.)   Long working hours and lots of stress… it may seem like summer has snuck up on me, but on the other hand, I sure do feel ready for an old fashioned summer vacation right now!  The kind from childhood, when the days are impossibly long, and the biggest challenge of the day is crossing the street in your bare feet without getting burned.

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