I’m feeling the holiday crunch these days. I have a whoooole lot of photos to get through before it’s card season deadline time, as well as a couple of weddings, and still more shoots to go. So this past weekend I was planning to get in some good editing time. (While not with two more families down by the Chattahoochee – which was gorgeous! Those previews coming soon.) But my sister through a little wrench in my plans when she suggested a get together at my parents’ house for my mom’s birthday (not that I was ignoring the birthday, I had just already celebrated with her earlier in the week.) Since I hadn’t seen my nieces in a while, I said I would join – but also brought my work with me. My parents’ dining room is nice and quiet, gives me more room to spread out than I have at home, and has a nice peaceful view through the windows. My brother and sister-in-law have spent many a day and night studying there during Christmas break as grad students. The perfect working spot!
But my sister’s no fool. Saturday morning she pulled up something next to me at the table, and then she made herself scarce. And that something looked like this:
And when that something finished her pancakes, she found a new spot to sit in. She’s all about finding things to sit on. And this time it was me. So soon this was my view:
This was not exactly conducive to lightening-speed productivity.
So, since I hadn’t seen her in her Halloween costume (or any pictures – ahem, Sister, I’m looking at you here), I got her dressed and walked next door to visit our long-time neighbors.
And the other niece is getting big…
But not too big for a sucker, or for pink.
And soon they were gone, back home again. So maybe the morning wasn’t so poorly spent, after all.