It’s SEPTEMBER! Already.
That means that cooler weather and my busiest time of year are just around the corner.
I’m working on my schedule for the remainder of the year and will be taking bookings for mini-sessions VERY soon. Once I have the mini-session information ready to go, I’m usually booked completely full for the rest of the year. So, if you are interested in a full session, get in touch with me asap! Full sessions get first priority, so I’m setting those dates before my mini-session dates.
If you are interested in a fall mini-session, and you have not received an email from me already, also get in touch with me asap. 🙂 You can reach me through the “Contact” submission form on this site.
I’m excited to see old client-friends and new ones, and see how much those kiddos have grown! I’ll be all around the Atlanta area, and hope to see you at one of my stops soon.
I’m interested in the mini photo shoots
Hi! I’m looking to book a mini session – flexible on weekends so please let me know if you have any spots left. Love your work!
Hi! I was inquiring if you had picked a date for the mini sessions? Please let me know when possible. Thanks!
Lacey Pfau
Wondering if you have any mini fall sessions available. Thank you!
I was trying to see if you are still doing mini sessions. Please let me know if there are any dates still available. Also where are you located.
Any mini fall sessions available?
Thank you!