My poor own family gets the least amount of attention in the photo department! I’m always planning to come back to their photos when I am “less busy”. Often that never happens. I came across these from February and decided to get them on the blog – both the good and the goofs, too! There are a few here that made me smile now that I wouldn’t have looked at twice the first time around – these 3 have already grown much in the past 6 months. (As you will see if I ever post their photos from April and May. 🙂 )
My mom got her grandchildren these Valentines-themed clothes, so one day when they were visiting we dressed them up and took a few pictures around the house. The fence my sister, brother and I also had our pictures taken on when we were growing up, down at the cul-de-sac, in the front yard, in the back yard, and then on the trampoline. Where little sister was sure to pull up her jeans and show big sister her boo-boo she would get should big sister try to jump with her.
Oh, and these start out first thing that morning, with the not-yet-3-year-old doing her favorite thing – going for a walk. She LOVES to be outside. So we put her shoes on with her pj’s and went out to greet the day.