Round 3 for baby D

It’s one of my favorite things again – seeing little babies grow over their first year!

You can see little newborn baby D here and then see him a little more wide-eyed and alert at 4-5 months here.

Due to some colds going around, we didn’t get his next session until 10 months.  So I went from a little rolly polly to a crawling, pulling-up, almost walking 10 month old.  But we get to do some fun things as they get older!  Like get down and play with the chickens, and even practice driving a car.  And my favorite, eating a slice of watermelon.  People, I have never seen a person devour watermelon like this little 1-t00thed fruit-monster.  It was amazing.  I want more watermelon in my baby photos!

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